Superior Services LLC


Reviews & Ratings

We value our reputation and are thankful to have so many positive ratings and reviews from our customers. See what they are saying about us on Google. We also invite you to leave your 5-star review of us as well.

We're Here to Help You!

Ready to experience superior service?

Give us a call. Let us know how we can help you. We truly strive to give our customers a superior service.
Carrier AC Installed
Superior Services LLC
As our name says, we look forward to providing you with superior service!
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday
No work on Sunday (our service staff must have a day off for family, church, etc. so we can give you quality work).
Our Certifications
  • Master Electrician
  • NATE Certified
  • EPA Universal Certified
  • Board of Contractor #23492-MC
We're Hiring!
  • HVAC Technician

  • HVAC Installer

Call 662-418-0409 for details.

Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer

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